There is nothing more revolting than seeing women with masculine traits or trying to become manly. Feminism masculinised women and feminised men in which both most men and women find unattractive.

If we do become a matriarchy, one thing is for sure ~ women will not need to become aggressive or masculine to succeed. The role of men in a matriarchy will us being turned into blue collar workers doing physical jobs and serving women leaders. In many ways this is preferable to the current gender wars.

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Yes, matriarchy is different from feminism because feminism doesn't require sacrifice from men; matriarchy does. There's more information about this here on our sister site: https://modernmatriarchy.org/

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Matriarchy is the future. This chaotic ego-driven world we have created needs to be changed. It's time the power shift to the superior sex.

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There will only two choices - either caliphate or matriarchy and no in between.

In the U.K. Boris Johnson is probably the last white male Prime Minister we will have. Labour under the leadership of Angela Rayner will take power in 2024 with 60% of MPs being women. There will be a referendum to decide matriarchy or status who. Rayner will lead the Yes campaign while Anjem Choudrey will lead the No. The referendum will be bitterly fought with both sides being well funded. Predicted result Yes 55% No 45%.

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Not too keen on the title Birthing person… isn’t that called a mother lol

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Yep. Definitely called a mother. I love the movement overall, but the super PC and constant references to the LGBTQ community and even trying to add matriarchy to it has me rolling my eyes more than anything else.

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A Matriarchy with feminine servant leadership is probably the only way forward. The feminist movement has to come to its logical end and will therefore manifest itself as a Matriarchy. Women are naturally power hungry but do have natural servant leadership qualities. What is needed is how to build a Matriarchy in which both genders are satisfied. Men are not power crazed, we are task specific, disciplined, logical and forthright. Women seek these qualities in us but are power seekers.

Men should simply focus on manual, construction, technical operations and military roles at work while women should focus on the global vision and leadership of companies.

In the home, we should try to do as much domestic duties as possible even shared, but being a father figure is vital for both boys and girls.

A Matriarchy that recognises these roles is the way ahead.

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Also men ARE power crazed. They LITERALLY enslaved women and took away all our rights for thousands of years.

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Serving is a masculine energy trait, not feminine energy. I think what you're looking for is "empathetic leadership."

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Hi Cat - Good points. But I feel a great deal of work has been done in the area of Servant Leadership by Robert Greenleaf. This is a great framework for discussing healthy leadership qualities. Using "empathetic leadership" could be defined as anything, and that's not specific enough for now and why I would hesitate to use the term.

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Thank you for creating this newsletter. my wife and i have come to a similar conclusion. that matriarchy is the only way to bring about a sane functional society and that the best way we can help create that is to just start living it within our marriage and home.

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You're welcome! Stay tuned, it will take the contribution of everyone's ideas to bring this much need change.

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Well, it was inevitable after Aristotle said it: that woman, made man's equal, becomes his superior.

Personally, I like gender roles. They give you an idea what your live should look like when you don't know any better. But I think boys should be raised like our daughters were. It can be stressful being a man. Is it so wrong to want to be gentle?

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Women were not "made" equal. Women started OUT equal in hunter gatherer societies and there is evidence matriarchies were common long before that. It's the opposite, making MEN equal is what drives them to dominate us.

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Gynocentric US law has already produced 65 million abortions and counting under the mantra of My body, My choice. Women also file about 3/4 of all divorces. Giving women the vote guaranteed political divisiveness and social mayhem under their liberal minded views. No more, please!

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First of all, we're already heading towards matriarchy. We crossed that line in the 90s. Matriarchies are inherently unstable. They are suitable for small groups of intimately connected people... they don't scale to 330million people. The larger they get, mommy becomes mommy dearest very very quickly

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You are correct professor, Matriarchy is here. 40% of households in the U.S. are headed by women. I don't know about the "not being able to scale" part. What am I missing?

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Their egos.

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Matriarchy isn't here yet though?Matriarchal would mean women rule over politics and make them decisions.It would be more stable than the world now

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Matriarchy is not about women ruling. Matriarchy is about giving women the same opportunities to lead as men have, for example, normalizing women asking men out and men taking her name in marriage.

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I think a man with a harem works better. Just look how successful Gengis Khan was a procreation!

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Times have changed significantly. Women's rights and now technology is changing society as never before. The pendulum is moving to the other extreme.

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No need of any shitty system like Matriarchy. If patriarchy hurts both, matriarchy will do the opposite and will hurt only men. Its like women don't want equality but Superiority and this post should have said something like a system where both genders are favored not one over other.

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Then support your theory with data. Discover how many children are produced in matriarchal households vs in patriarchal households. Explore the happiness scale of children in matriarchal households vs patriarchal households. Show the average longevity of a relationship within a matriarchal household vs a patriarchal household. You are not showing any of these data.

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Hi Evil - The data will be forthcoming over the next several months. Right now I'm focusing on 1.) There are a great many households worldwide being led by woman already. 2.) Women are not being given the societal recognition they deserve, such as having their last name, with no hyphens, on the relationship for all members of the household. Modern Matriarchy is a big project and a big shift. - The Editor.

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If one gender lead over the other gender,society would progress much quicker.Men should be the workers doing all the hard work for women and women should do none of the work and instead do the thinking.This would mean making serious changes and making it so women have power over men and shouldn't have to work and instead do the planning to help humanity progress.

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If you want power, the best leadership style for women leaders to use is always the “servant-leader”. It is a truly feminine leadership style that is native to women and acceptable to both men and women. Women who try to copy masculine leadership styles fail time and time again and make bad leaders.

To be honest a balance of masculine and feminine leadership is essential for success and this had been true for thousands of years.

The white male has been persecuted both by the leftists and extreme man hating feminists to the point that most white males have no ambition nor career ambitions. The “patriarchy” only exists for a tiny proportion men from very wealthy monied backgrounds.

What are you going to do about the under performance of white boys in state schools? How are you going to deal with jihadists and black supremacists who are vehemently opposed to any form of female authority?

If “Matriarchy” can come up with acceptable answers (to both white females and white males) to these questions you will gain power and deservedly so.

My wife made a better business leader than I did, but she didn’t hog all power for herself. She used servant leadership and delegated duties to me while she had vision and led the direction of the company. I was better at the technical side and had more physical stamina and as we worked to our strengths, our business was successful in a very competitive world.

The future in all probability will be female led, so please can you make provisions now to accommodate the male fairly and not mistreat us the way we have been for the last 60 years.

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Hi Francis - While men and women are busy fighting over the proper leadership role for women in society, the birthrate is dropping like a rock. In some societies - like Japan and even India for example - the birthrate is below the replacement rate for society. Once that happens, your culture is on the path to extinction. So the options are to either send women back home to raise more children (that's not going to happen) or for men to stay home and raise children (more likely to happen.) The bottom line is we as a species need to increase reproduction, and we need to figure out the best way to do that. Matriarchy should be one option available in society, if not the best option.

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I totally agree with you now. We have to accept that women have won the gender war and there’s no going back. I am now in agreement that a Matriarchy is now the best option. Men will still have to be masculine as that is what women seek in us (they still want us to protect them) but in terms of job role and power it is with them now, I’ve accepted it and yes getting our birthdate back to replacement levels is critical. The father will ironically become more important once the Matriarchy gains full power.

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I think that genuinely healthy matriarchy does NOT diminish masculinity. It's not about emasculating a man. Giving/serving/protecting/providing, these are all very masculine energy things. Even if the man doesn't make the most money if he cooks he meal he's PROVIDING. In patriarchy men just provide ingredients for their domestic servant wives to cook and provide a meal for him. Men like to feel useful and be the hero. Feminine leadership allows a man to do that without having to constantly try to figure out how to please her. So many men say "I don't know how to please her, nothing makes her happy".

It's because they're trying to RULE over her and yeah no. You can't please her and rule her. Also women are more emotionally intelligent than men. Men aren't competent to lead the household. Most of the time women have been leading the household while letting the man "feel like" he's in charge. She has all the responsibility and he has all the power. It's a bad non-balance. The person holding the responsibility also holds the power. Otherwise you end up with slaves and despots.

I think the idea of stay-at-home fathers is a beautiful thing. The labor of growing the child and birthing the child and the sometimes permanent changes to the body (including permanent disfigurement), it's a small thing to ask men to take on much more of the childcare after she does the REAL labor and risk.

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Exactly, most of us would kill ourselves rather than live under men's boots anymore. After thousands of years of patriarchy and men literally OWNING us, it's time for a reversal. They should be grateful that men do not suffer under matriarchy the way women suffer under patriarchy.

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